Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week-end in Chicago July 3rd-July 7th!

I am finally finding some time to blog about my "Divergent" week-end in Chicago on July 3rd-7th, 2013!

We chose a hotel that was 5 blocks from the filming location on Wacker Street that week-end... 
and we didn't even do it on purpose!! How lucky was that!
We couldn't see much from our window, but we could easily go walk to the location 
before heading anywhere else... :-)

View from our window:

On Wednesday July 3rd, we went to Michigan Avenue first where we heard 
Shailene Woodley and Kate Winslet were filming. 
Though we arrived there pretty late and filming seemed to be over, we took this picture of the building. 
Don't know about you, but it looks exactly like I had envisioned the Erudite Headquarters... 

On July 5th, we went to Wacker Street. 
I thought we'd only see some extra and I was totally surprised when the first person I saw on set was 
Ansel Elgort!! 
I didn't know he was filming that week-end... 
Kinda made a fool of myself cause I was so surprised to see him, I got really excited!

Then, whom did I see, but Tony Goldwyn.... OMG! 
I couldn't believe it, and they were so close. 
It was just awesome!

We left and came back a bit later and saw Shailene Woodley and Ashley Judd!
Shailene was so full of energy, jumping around on the spot. I could hear her voice... Nice! :-)

Ashley Judd just crossed the street and was right next to us, on her phone. 
She looked so much like Shailene with her hair tied and dyed a lighter shade... 
They'll make great mother/daughter on screen!

We came back on July 6th. 
Though Ansel Elgort had sent a tweet saying he'd meet his fans outside if he could, 
I missed him by ten minutes when he took a break :-( 
But, I waited still outside for a while and Tony Goldwyn left the set... 
He got into his van (a bunch of fans were there and didn't even recognize him...). 
I looked at him when he was in the van ready to leave and I smiled at him... and he smiled back!! 
Can it get any more awesome than that!?

We waited some more, in case Ansel Elgort was still there, but we missed him when he got in his van. 
I didn't want to run to him and bug him when we was off of work... But it was still great seeing him again!

In case you were wondering, the extras were hanging out inside the Trump building between takes... 

We also went to Clark Street, but filming was not going on yet, 
but we saw a bit of the preparations for the set:

On July 7th, we stopped by Wacker Street again. 
We'd heard filming was going to happen on Clark Street, 
but because the previous day had been a wild goose chase, so we went to Wacker instead.
And the extras were all in costumes, walking back and forth, acting like their factions are supposed to act.

We stayed for a half-hour and then had to catch our plane. 

I saw a LOT more than I had hoped to see that week-end, and it was really awesome!

For pictures of the extras, check out the previous blog and visit our website:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Extras and the Choosing Ceremony

The filming of the Choosing Ceremony lasted all week-end. around Wacker Street
I was SO lucky to be in Chicago that week-end...

Here are the pictures I took over the time I was there:

July 5th, 2013: The extras are going to the Trump tower.

July 6th, 2013: The Dauntless are waiting...

I spy some Erudite and some Amity...

July 6th, 2013: The exchange of extras... 

July 7th, 2013: I see Amity and Abnegation :-)


A Dauntless contest!! The Dauntless are screaming for the victor!

A Dauntless contest again...

Dauntless being Dauntless

The Erudite and their satchels :-)

I would like to thank all the fans and fan sites who were very patient with me when I was trying to get an idea of where filming was taking place, who gave me info and who've been supporting me:
Thanks to @IAmDivergentcom, @DivergentFction, @Shelby19Wilson, @FearlessLove13, @MollyxGoffreid, @SylvyGrace, @mamason0725

Special thanks to @olv  and @filming_chicago for giving me the location and updating me on it.

Also, special thanks to @Dauntless46, whom I consider my Twitter Divergent buddy
and extra special thanks to @LadyofErudite for giving me info, supporting me and protecting my pictures!

Thank you for helping me find the exact location. It turned out I could see it from my hotel window, 5 blocks away, but I only knew what it was thanks to you :-)

For more information about the movie, visit my website:

If you helped me and I didn't thank you here, let me know and yell at me... I'll add you :-)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Set on Wacker Street - July 5th, 2013

The Choosing Ceremony has been filming all week-end 
at the Seventeenth Church of Christ on 55 E Wacker Street. 

Here are some pictures of Ansel Elgort, Tony Goldwyn, Shailene Woodley 
and Ashley Judd taken on the set on July 5th, 2013

If you wish to share these pictures, please source :-)

Ansel Elgort in his Abnegation outfit, before choosing Erudite!

Ansel Elgort, Tony Goldwyn and Shailene Woodley.

Seeing Tony Goldwyn in real life was quite something for someone who's watched "Ghost" multiple times 
as a young teenager all the way through adulthood... quite an honor!

A blurry picture of Ashley Judd.

For more information about the movie, go visit our website